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Physics Class 11 - Chapter 11
Heat and ThermodynamicsTest - 5
The unit of entropy is?
a) J.K
b) J/K
c) N.m/sec
d) Kgm/sec.K
Petrol engine is an?
a) C.I engine
b) S.I engine
c) IC engine
d) All of the above
Entropy is content for?
a) Reverse process
b) Irreversible process
c) Thermal process
d) All of these
Change in entropy is positive when?
a) Heat leaves
b) Heat enters
c) Heat form
d) For reversible process
Major part of heat engine is?
a) Cylinder
b) Piston
c) Crank shaft
d) All of these
Petrol engine has the major part?
a) Spark plug
b) Valves
c) Piston
d) All of these
When heat is transferred into other form of energy total heat remains constant its called?
a) 1st law of thermodynamics
b) 2nd law of thermodynamics
c) Law of conservation of energy
d) Law of conservation of momentum
Which is irreversible process?
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) All of these
Heat engine converts?
a) Heat energy in to mechanical energy
b) Heat energy into electrical energy
c) Heat energy into chemical energy
d) None of these
Which is the postulate of K.M.T?
a) Heat is constant
b) Gravity does not affect molecular motion
c) The collision with walls produces pressure
d) All of these
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