Multiple choice questions or MCQs are order of the day and with each passing day use of MCQs is on the increase especially because of computers and internet. This page covers Physics Class 11. MCQs are made in such a way that no important aspect is missed out. Any student taking a test and getting more than 90% marks here, will surely get same marks in board exam. The branch of science which deals with the properties of matter and energy is called ----------? Which branch of science plays an important role in engineering? The most fundamental of all sciences which provides basic principles and fundamental laws to other branches of science is?
The branch of physics in which we study the structure and properties of solids is called?The branch of physics which deals with the non- living things is called? The branch of physics which is concerned with the ultimate particles of which matter is composed is called? In the Greek period experimental basis for theoretical reasoning was adopted by? Which of the following are the Interdisciplinary areas of physics (i)astrophysics (ii) chemical Physics (iii) geophysics (iv) physics of music?
High-energy physics is concerned with understanding the properties of? Kitabul-Manazir is the first comprehensive book on optics which’ is written by?The amount, often stated in the form of alongwith the measured value? This indicates the range in which the desired or true value most likely lies, is called?Two students both measured the amount of chromium contained in a water sample? Student A measured 6? 8 (±0? 2) parts per billion chromium? Student B measured 6? 5 (±0? 7) parts per billion chromium? Which students’ results are more precise?