Math 11 Chapter 4
Quadratic equations
Test - 2

Math Class 11
1.    When discriminant = 0 then the roots are………….

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2.    For S = sum of roots and P = product of roots the quadratic equation will be..

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3.    A quadratic equation in x can be written in form………………?

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4.    When b2 – 4ac is not a perfect square then the roots f ax2 + bx + c = 0 will

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5. 9. ω and ω2 are called ……………… cube roots of unity?

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6. The sum of roots of ax2 + bx + c = 0 will be ………

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7.    13. The product of all three cube roots of unity is ………………?

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8.    If roots of the equation x2 + Rx + 1 = 0 are equal, the value of k will be…

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