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Chemistry 11 Chapter 8
Chemical Equilibrium
Test 9
The pH of milk is?
a) 5.0
b) 6.0
c) 6.2
d) 6.5
Which one is the application of solubility product?
a) Determination of solubility from Ksp
b) Determination of precipitation forming
c) Determination of Ksp from solubility of salt
d) All of these
7.4 is the PH of?
a) Soft drink
b) Tomatoes
c) Lemon
d) Human blood
The capability of a solution of a buffer to resist the change of PH in particular range of PH is called?
a) Acidic capicity
b) Basic capacity
c) None of these
d) Bufer capicity
By decreasing the pressure,the reaction will go to the direction where?
a) Volume increase
b) Volume decrese
c) No.of moles of specie decreased
d) Heat absorbed
When Ka<10
then acid is?
a) Moderate
b) None of these
c) Strong
d) Weak
Largeg the pKb value?
a) Weaker is the base
b) Stronger the base
c) None of these
d) Both of these are possible
Equilibrium stage can be easily achieved by the addition of?
a) Reactants
b) Base
c) Catalyst
d) Acid
The solution which resist the change in their PH when a small amount of an acid or base is added?
a) Basic buffer
b) Buffer solution
c) Acidic buffer
d) All of these
The pH of human blood is?
a) 7.00
b) 7.7
c) 7.5
d) 7.35
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