Chemistry 11 Chapter 6
Chemical Bonding
Test 12

Chemistry Class 11
1.    The geometry of ammonia is?

Chemistry Class 11
2.    By combining “n” atomic orbitals no.of hybrid orbitrals will be?

Chemistry Class 11
3.    Mostly ionic bond are produced in between elements of?

Chemistry Class 11
4.    Orbital of same energy produced after mixing of orbitals of different energy called?

Chemistry Class 11
5. In sp3 hybridization?

Chemistry Class 11
6.    The lewis acids are?

Chemistry Class 11
7.    Angle in water molecule is?

Chemistry Class 11
8. Geometry of simple molecule having sp3 hybrid orbital is?

Chemistry Class 11
9.    Sharing of electron pair by one specie is called?

Chemistry Class 11
10.    Which one of the following is polar covelant bond?

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