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Chemistry 11 Chapter 5
Atomic Structure
Test 6
The exact voltage required in discharge tube depends upon the?
a) Pressure inside the tube
b) Both
c) None of these
d) of tube
Tin stone glows _____ when placed in the path of cathode rays?
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Yellow
d) Red
The cathode rays drive a small paddle wheel placed in their path. This shows that they have?
a) Momentum
b) K.E energy
c) Voltage
d) P.E energy
When the pressure is reduced to about 0.01 torr the original glow?
a) Becomes large
b) Disappears
c) Become small
d) Appears
The current does not flow at______ pressure through the gas even at high voltage?
a) Ordinary
b) None of these
c) High
d) Low
Alumina glows _____ when placed in the path of cathode rays?
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Yellow
The cathode rays produce _____ fluorescence on striking the walls of the glass tube?
a) Greenish
b) Blueish
c) Reddish
d) Yellowish
The colour of the glow or the fluorescence produced on the walls of the glass tube depends on the?
a) None of these
b) Intensity of light
c) Speed of current
d) Composition of glass
Cathode ray cast shadow. Is it true?
a) No
b) Never
c) None of these
d) Yes
Cathode rays are _____ charged?
a) Neutral
b) Positively
c) None of these
d) Negatively
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