Chemistry 11
Chapter 3 Gases
Test 8

Chemistry Class 11
1.    760 torr=?

Chemistry Class 11
2.    1mmHg=?

Chemistry Class 11
3.    The SI unit of pressure is?

Chemistry Class 11
4.    1 atm =?

Chemistry Class 11
5.    The unit millibar is commonly used by?

Chemistry Class 11
6.    The solid particles possess only?

Chemistry Class 11
7.    In word “isotherm” , the word “iso” means?

Chemistry Class 11
8.    The relation between volume and pressure in Boyle’s Law is?

Chemistry Class 11
9.    The pressure of air that can support 760mmHg at sea level is called?

Chemistry Class 11
10.    The relationships between volume of a given amount of gas and prevailing conditions of temperature and pressure is called?

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