Experimental Techniques in Chemistry - 6

Chemistry Class 11
1. To achieve a good separation, the two liquids are gently shaken to increase their area of

Chemistry Class 11
2. Chromatography involves the distribution of a solute between.

Chemistry Class 11
3. Chromatography in which stationary phase is a solid is called.

Chemistry Class 11
4. Chromatography in which stationary phase is a liquid is called.

Chemistry Class 11
5. In paper chromatography the rate at which solute move depend on.

Chemistry Class 11
6. Analytical chemistry is normally considered the science of ________.

Chemistry Class 11
7. In qualitative analysis, a chemist is concerned with the detection or identification of the _________ present in a _________.

Chemistry Class 11
8. Qualitative analysis is the reverse of ________.

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