Experimental Techniques in Chemistry - 6
To achieve a good separation, the two liquids are gently shaken to increase their area of
a) Contact
b) Miscibility
c) Separation.
d) Solubility
Chromatography involves the distribution of a solute between.
a) Two stationary and two mobile phase.
b) Two mobile phase
c) A stationary phase and a mobile phase
d) Two stationary phase
Chromatography in which stationary phase is a solid is called.
a) Partition chromatography
b) Paper chromatography
c) High pressure
d) Adsorption chromatography
Chromatography in which stationary phase is a liquid is called.
a) Partition chromatography
b) Descending chromatography
c) Adsorption chromatography
d) Column chromatography
In paper chromatography the rate at which solute move depend on.
a) Law of specific propostion.
b) Law of partial pressure
c) Distribution law
d) Distribution co-efficients
Analytical chemistry is normally considered the science of ________.
a) Compounds
b) Chemical characteriztion.
c) Chromatography
d) Crystallization
In qualitative analysis, a chemist is concerned with the detection or identification of the _________ present in a _________.
a) Gas ii. Liquid
b) CaCl
ii. Silca gel
c) Elements ii. Compounds
d) Filter paper ii. Filter crucible
Qualitative analysis is the reverse of ________.
a) Filtration
b) Chemical characteriztion.
c) Quantitative Analysis
d) Elements
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