Basic Concepts - 7
Positive ions produced from the neutral atoms can be seprated on the basis of __________.
a) m/e
b) Natural abundance
c) mass spectrometer
d) Multiple of 4
The formula which indicates the simple ratio of atoms present in a compound is called___________.
a) 300 items
b) Multiple of 4
c) empirical formula
d) 2 X NA
Dividing the %
a) Gram atom
b) No of gram atom or moles
c) Gram ion or One mole of ions
d) Gram formula
The experimental procedure by which % of carbon and hydrogen are determined is called _________.
a) empirical formula
b) mass spectrometer
c) Combustion analysis
d) Mole
The atomic mass of an element expressed in g is called _______________.
a) 2 X NA
b) Gram atom
c) Gram ion or One mole of ions
d) Gram formula
The formula mass of an ionic compound expressed in gram is called _________.
a) Mole
b) Gram formula
c) Gram ion or One mole of ions
d) Gram atom
Ionic mass of an ionic specie expressed in gram is called ___________.
a) Mole
b) Gram atom
c) Gram formula
d) Gram ion or One mole of ions
Atomic mass, molecular mass or formula mass or ionic mass of the substance expressed in gram is called _______
a) Gram atom
b) Mole
c) Gram formula
d) 2 X NA
98g of H2SO4 acid will yield _________ H
a) Combustion analysis
b) 300 items
c) Mole
d) 2 X NA
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