Biology 11 Chapter 7 - Protists and Fungi - 3

Biology Class 11
1.    The locomotory organs of plasmodium are?

Biology Class 11
2.    Protozoans form resistant cysts to?

Biology Class 11
3.    Entamoeba histolitica belongs to the group?

Biology Class 11
4.    Protozoans that move by means of flagella are called as?

Biology Class 11
5.    Trypanasoma is the causative agent of?

Biology Class 11
6.    Trypanasoma is transmitted by the bite of?

Biology Class 11
7.    Cilia means?

Biology Class 11
8.    Which one of the following is not a ciliate?

Biology Class 11
9.    Trichonympha are?

Biology Class 11
10.    Which one of the following protozoan is present in the gut of termites?

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