Biology 11 Chapter 5
Biodiversity - 6
The hapatitis virus infects?
a) heart cells
b) stomach cells
c) kidney cells
d) liver cells
Rabies virus infects?
a) mammals
b) fishes
c) plants
d) birds
The HIV infects?
a) all kinds of blood cells
b) kidney cells
c) only certain blood cells
d) liver cells
The rabies virus attaches to the?
a) fibroblast growth factor
b) CD4 proteins
c) CD3 proteins
d) acetylcholine receptor
Viruses synthesize thier proteins and genome by?
a) using the external environmental factors
b) using its own biosynthetic machinery
c) using the host biosynthetic machinery
The viral surface proteins are used in?
a) assembly
b) the adsorbtion
c) translation
d) transcription
The virus releases its ___ into the host cell during uncoating?
a) neck
b) capsid
c) tail
d) nuclic acid
Transcription, translation and replication of an RNA virus takes place in?
a) cell wall
b) cytoplasm
c) nucleus
d) cell membrane
Which one of the following virus protect itself from host immune system by reducing B- ell activation?
a) adenovirus
b) Espein Bar Virus
c) flu virus
d) HIV
Mononucleosi lesion on tongue is caused by?
a) Espein Bar Virus
b) measles virus
c) HIV
d) flu virus
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