Biology 11 Chapter 5
Biodiversity - 14

Biology Class 11
1.    HSV is transmitted through?

Biology Class 11
2.    Genital herpes is caused by?

Biology Class 11
3.    Herpes labialis is caused by HSV?

Biology Class 11
4.    Which one of the following is caused by HSV type-2?

Biology Class 11
5.    Poliomyelitis is caused by?

Biology Class 11
6.    The genome of polio virus is?

Biology Class 11
7.    Genome of polio virus has?

Biology Class 11
8.    Poliovirus is transmitted by?

Biology Class 11
9.    Polio virus replicates in the?

Biology Class 11
10.    Paralysis of muscles during poliomyelitis is caused due to destruction of?

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