Biology 11 Chapter 5
Biodiversity - 13
HAV is transmitted through?
a) breast feeding
b) shaking of hands
c) fecal-oral route
d) using of same telephone
Which one of the following vitamin is given for anorexia to the
hapatitis A patient?
a) vitamin B
b) vitamin C
c) vitamin A
d) vitamin D
Which one of the following is not the main transmission mode of HBV?
a) blood
b) sexual contact
c) prenatal to child
d) respiratory droplets
Which one of the following hapatitis virus is defective?
a) C
b) A
c) D
d) B
Defective virus means, it can replicate only in?
a) HCV infected cells
b) HAV infected cells
c) HDV infected cells
d) HBV infected cells
HEV is transmitted through?
a) sexual activity
b) hand shaking
c) saliva
d) water
HGV was isolated in?
a) 1990
b) 1996
c) 1986
d) 1992
Viccines are highly effective against?
a) HEV
b) HGV
c) HBV
d) HCV
Herpes is caused by HSV?
a) only type-1
b) type-3
c) type-1 and type-2
d) only type-2
The icosahederal core of herpes virus is surrounded by?
a) lipids coat
b) glycolipids coat
c) glycoprotein coat
d) lipoprotein coat
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