Biology 11 Chapter 5
Biodiversity - 12
World AIDS day is celeberated on?
a) 1st of November
b) 1st of October
c) 1st of December
d) 1st of January
The 1st case of AIDS in Pakistan was reported in?
a) Rawalpindi
b) Queeta
c) Peshawar
d) Lahore
The 1st HIV transmission way in Pakistan was reported as?
a) sexual activity
b) blood transfusion
c) swimming pool
d) breastfeeding
Data analysis shows most infections of HIV occur between the age of?
a) 30 - 60 years
b) 10 - 20 years
c) 40 - 70 years
d) 20 - 44 years
AIDS in Pakistan is?
a) less in males than females
b) greater in males than females
c) equal in males and females
A mother can transmit HIV to its fetus through?
a) milk, placenta and saliva
b) placenta and saliva
c) milk and placenta
d) milk and saliva
Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
a) hapatitis
b) pneumonia
c) herpes
d) leaf curl disease of cotton
Hapatitis is the inflammation of?
a) stomach
b) liver
c) lung
d) kidney
The genome of hapatitis A virus is?
a) double stranded DNA
b) single stranded DNA
c) single stranded RNA
d) double stranded RNA
Hapatitis A is caused by?
a) HAV
b) HBV
c) HCV
d) HDV
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