Biology 11 chapter 4
Bioenergetics - 1

Biology Class 11
1.    The total energy of the universe____?

Biology Class 11
2.    The study of energy changes with in a biological system is called as___?

Biology Class 11
3.    In plants and algae, photosynthesis is a ____ process?

Biology Class 11
4.    The ultimate source of light energy for all living forms is ____?

Biology Class 11
5.    Plants absorb ___ during photosynthesis?

Biology Class 11
6.    Water and Carbondioxide are the ___ of photosynthesis?

Biology Class 11
7.    Which one of the following is a by product of photosynthesis?

Biology Class 11
8.    Sunlight eneregy is a form of___?

Biology Class 11
9.    The distance between two successive crests of light waves is called as ___?

Biology Class 11
10.    The unit of wavelength is ___?

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