Biology 11 Chapter - 2
Biological Molecules - 21

Biology Class 11
1.    Which one of the following is the polymer of α (alpha) glucose?

Biology Class 11
2.    Polysaccharides are synthesis by the process of?

Biology Class 11
3.    The only glucose which is yield by a starch compound is known as?

Biology Class 11
4.    The process in which starch compound yield a photopolymer is called?

Biology Class 11
5.    Which one of the following is the most important source of carbohydrates?

Biology Class 11
6.    The major sources of starch are?

Biology Class 11
7.    Starch is found in?

Biology Class 11
8.    Which of the following is used by plants in respiration?

Biology Class 11
9.    Which one of the following components of starch has a straight chain structure?

Biology Class 11
10.    How many components are found in starch?

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