Biology 11 Chapter 2
Biological Molecules - 1
About 4 billion years ago the Earth’s surface was covered with?
a) Vast Jungles full of life
b) Newly formed oceans devoid of life
c) Two answers are correct
d) Newly formed oceans full of life
About 4 billion years ago the atmosphere consisted of?
a) All answers are correct
b) Mixture of gases.
c) Some gases containing carbon.
d) Water vapours.
What was bombarding the planet about 4 billion years ago?
a) Volcanic heat
b) Ultraviolet rays
c) All answers are correct
d) Radioactive decay
e) Lightening
About 4 billion years ago what caused the first carbon based molecules to form?
a) Bombardment of ultraviolet rays and volcanic heat
b) Radioactive decay
c) All answers are correct
d) Lightening
Biochemistry is the science concerned with the various molecules that occur in?
a) ii. Answers i and iii are correct.
b) iv. ultraviolet rays and volcanic heat.
c) i. Living cells and organisms.
d) iii. Chemical reactions of Living cells and organisms.
Biochemistry can be defined more formally as the science concerned with the?
a) Two answers are correct
b) Chemical basis of Radioactivity
c) Radioactive decay
d) Chemical basis of life.
Biochemistry has become the basic language of all biological sciences because?
a) Life depends on biological actions
b) Life depends on biological reactions
c) Life depends on biochemical actions
d) Life depends on biochemical reactions
It is concerned with the entire spectrum of life, from relatively simple viruses and bacteria to complete human beings?
a) Biology
b) Radioactivity
c) All answers are correct
d) Biochemistry
Which of following are intimately related?
a) Biochemistry and biochemical reactions
b) Biochemical reactions and Biology
c) Biology and Radioactivity
d) Biochemistry and medicine
Life is dependent on carbon based?
a) Ultraviolet rays
b) Volcanic heat
c) Radioactive decay
d) Organic molecules
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