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Biology Class 11 Chapter 12 - Circulation - 8
The superior mesenteric vein drains into the?
a) liver
b) stomach
c) small intestine
d) large intestine
The inferior mesenteric vein drains into the?
a) liver
b) small intestine
c) large intestine
d) pancreas
The pancreatic vein drains into the?
a) pancreas
b) spleen
c) large intestine
d) small intestine
Arterial blood enters the kidney at hilum through the?
a) renal vein
b) renal artery
c) pancreatic vein
d) pulmonary vein
The overall blood flow in the circulation of an adult at rest is about?
a) 5000 ml/min
b) 50000 ml /min
c) 500 ml/min
d) 50 ml/min
The amount of blood pumped by the heart in a unit period is known as?
a) cardiac input
b) cardiac output
c) blood pressure
d) osmotic pressure
The velocity of the blood flow is greatest in the?
a) right ventricle
b) left auricle
c) right auricle
d) aorta
With increase in the diameter of the veins, the velocity of blood flow?
a) does not affect
b) stops
c) decreases
d) increases
The force exerted by the blood against any unit area on the inner Walls of the blood vessel is known as?
a) blood pressure
b) blood flow
c) cardiac output
d) cardiac cycle
The standard reference for the blood pressure is the?
a) boron manometer
b) carbon manometer
c) helium manometer
d) mercury manometer
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