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Biology Class 11 Chapter 12 - Circulation - 5
The lubb sound of heart is caused by the vibration of?
a) semilunar valve
b) atrioventricular valve
c) tricuspid valve
d) bicuspid valve
Which one of the following is a component of the conduction system?
a) sinoatrial node
b) conducting myofibrils
c) all of these
d) atrioventricular node
e) atrioventricular bundle
Which one of the following is a pacemaker of the heart?
a) Conducting myofibrils
b) SA node
c) AV node
d) AV bundle
The disturbance in the electrical rhythm of heart is known as?
a) myocarditis
b) endocarditis
c) cardiac cycle
d) cardiac arrythmia
When the heartbeat is less than 40 beats per minute, the condition
Is known as?
a) tachycardia
b) pseudocardia
c) myocardia
d) bradycardia
When the heartbeat is more than 100 beats per minute, the
Condition is known as?
a) myocardia
b) bradycardia
c) tachycardia
d) pseudocardia
Increase in size of heart is known as?
a) myocardial hypertrophy
b) angina
c) ischemia
d) infarction
Which one of the following is Not a blood vessel?
a) vein
b) capillary
c) ventricle
d) artery
Which one of the following carry blood away from the heart?
a) none of these
b) arteries
c) veins
d) both of these
SA node developes from?
a) valves
b) ventricle
c) aorta
d) sinus venosus
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