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Biology 11 Chapter - 11
Digestion - 11
The amonia is converted by the hepatocytes into?
a) amino acid
b) hydrochloric acid
c) urea
d) pyruvic acid
Urea produced in the liver by a cycle known as?
a) glycolysis
b) ornithine-arginine cycle
c) krebs cycle
d) ammonia cycle
The blood protein prothrombin is synthesized in the?
a) liver
b) stomach
c) kidney
d) lung
The carotin in the liver forms the vitamin?
a) B
b) C
c) D
d) A
The blood protein fibrinogen is synthesized in the?
a) heart
b) lungs
c) kidney
d) liver
Albumin is synthesized from?
a) sugars
b) fatty acids
c) glycerols
d) amino acids
Fibrinogen and prothrombin are used in?
a) blood formation
b) urea formation
c) blood clotting
d) urine formation
The destruction of RBCs by the Kupffer cells is known as?
a) ornithine cycle
b) urea cycle
c) phagocytosis
d) glycogenesis
Which one of the following is a bile pigment?
a) myosin
b) myoglobin
c) prothrombin
d) biliverdin
The enzyme heparin is produced by?
a) kidney
b) lung
c) liver
d) heart
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