Biology 11 Chapter - 10
Form and Function in Plants -7

Biology Class 11
1.    Which one of the following forces is involved to transport water from roots to the leaves?

Biology Class 11
2.    The loss of water vapours by evaporation from aerial parts of the plant body is known as?

Biology Class 11
3.    The attractive force between water molecules and other substances is known as?

Biology Class 11
4.    The hollow spaces in the xylem attract water due to polarity of?

Biology Class 11
5.    The network of individually weak hydrogen bonds within water molecule collectively produce a force known as?

Biology Class 11
6.    The upward movement of water within the narrow tubes like xylem is known as?

Biology Class 11
7.    The u shaped surface formed by water during capillary action is known as?

Biology Class 11
8.    The force that pulls water from regions where the water potential is greater to those with lower water potential is known as?

Biology Class 11
9.    The starch sugar hypothesis and the influx of k ions hypothesis explain?

Biology Class 11
10.    Starch sugar hypothesis was proposed by?

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