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Biology 11 Chapter - 10
Form and Function in Plants -15
The fungus from which gebberellin has been isolated is called as?
a) Fusarium
b) Mushroom
c) Mold
d) Yeast
Which one of the following is not the function of gebberellin?
a) Inhibit cell division in cambium
b) Cause cell division in apical meristem
c) Break seed dormancy
d) Break bud dormancy
Which one of the following is a function of gebberellin?
a) Promote flowering in long day plants
b) Promote flowering in short day plants
c) Inhibit flowering in long day plants
d) Inhibit leaf growth
Cytokinins are most abundant?
a) A. B and c are correct
b) B. Where rapid cell division occurs
c) C. In seeds and fruits
d) D. Where no cell division occurs
Which one of the following is not the effect of cytokinin?
a) Promote primary root growth
b) Inhibit primary root growth
c) Promote lateral root growth
d) Break bud dormancy
Which one of the following is an effect of cytokinin?
a) Inhibit stomatal opening
b) Inhibit lateral bud growth
c) Promote bud dormancy
The substances which accelerated abscission were called as?
a) Abscisic acid
b) Cytokinin
c) Gebberellin
d) Auxin
Which one of the following is not the effect of aba?
a) Break bud dormancy
b) Promote bud dormancy
c) Promote flowering in short day plants
d) Inhibit flowering in long day plants
Which one of the following is true about aba?
a) Promote abscission
b) Inhibit abscission
c) Inhibit closing of stomata
d) Break seed dormancy
The break down of ethaphon results in the release of?
a) Ethene
b) Auxin
c) Cytokinin
d) Gebberellin
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