Biology Class 11 Chapter 9
Kingdom Plantae
Test 18

Biology Class 11
1. Techanincally a seed may be defined as fertilized?

Biology Class 11
2. All seed producing plants are called?

Biology Class 11
3. All groups of plants upto Pteridophytes are?

Biology Class 11
4. Male gametophyte is also called?

Biology Class 11
5. Female gametophyte is also called?

Biology Class 11
6. Gymnosperms are?

Biology Class 11
7. Gymnosperms produce seeds but no?

Biology Class 11
8. The term Gymnospermae literally means?

Biology Class 11
9. The megasporophylls bearing ovules are not folded and joined at margins to form an?

Biology Class 11
10. Which of the follwing are genra of Gymnospermae?

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