Biology Class 11 Chapter 9
Kingdom Plantae
Test 14

Biology Class 11
1. Living genra of Psilopsida are?

Biology Class 11
2. Which were the first plants that formed true leaves and roots?

Biology Class 11
3. Leaves are small in size in case of?

Biology Class 11
4. Leaves are small and has a single undivided vein, such a leaf is called?

Biology Class 11
5. Large leaves having divided veins and vein lets called?

Biology Class 11
6. Megaphylls are characteristics for?

Biology Class 11
7. Unequal development of various branches is called?

Biology Class 11
8. Arrangement of unequal dichotomies in one plane is called?

Biology Class 11
9. Overtopping and planation is followed a process called?

Biology Class 11
10. The process of evolution of leaf was completed in?

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