Biology Class 11 Chapter 9
Kingdom Plantae
Test 12

Biology Class 11
1. The archegonia and antheridia form clusters and are mixed with sterile hairs,____?

Biology Class 11
2. The spore of moss develops into alga like structure called?

Biology Class 11
3. Haploid moss plants develop from _____ on protnema?

Biology Class 11
4. Which of the following is most advance?

Biology Class 11
5. Sporophyte of hornworts has______ in epidermis?

Biology Class 11
6. Sporophyte of hornworts has also______ in epidermis?

Biology Class 11
7. Which of the following is independent in hornworts?

Biology Class 11
8. Anthocerosiis also found in the _________ areas of Pakistan?

Biology Class 11
9. A haploid spermatozoid fuses with a haploid egg to produce?

Biology Class 11
10. Vascular tissues are?

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