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Biology Class 11 Chapter 5 - Variety of Life - Part 1
a) Serum virus
b) infectious hepatitis
c) Common cold
d) D'Herelle 1917
Organism with prokaryotic cells belong to the kingdom:
a) Protoctista
b) Monera
c) Animalia
d) Fungi
The function of the enzyme reverse transcriptase in HIV infection is to:
a) Produce DNA that can be incorporated into the host cell�s DNA from viral RNA.
b) Attach the virus to the host cell�s plasma membranes.
c) Convert host RNA into viral RNA.
d) Produce new viral RNA from the host cell�s DNA.
Robert Whittaker
a) Amaltas
b) 1758
c) Invertebrate
d) 1969
Viruses are considered nonliving because:
a) Their nucleic acid does not code for protein.
b) They can not reproduce independently.
c) They don�t mutate.
d) They do not locomote.
Yellow fever
a) 1801
b) 1892
c) 1900
d) 1901
Chitin in cell wall
a) Virion
b) Cd4 recepter
c) Mushroom
d) Dicotydledonae
Which step in the lytic cycle follows attachment of virus and release of DNA into the host cell:
a) DNA replication
b) Disintegration of host DNA
c) Assemblage
d) Production of Lysozme
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