Chapter 4 - The Cell - Part 9

Biology Class 11
1. Sclerenchymatous cells store surplus food.

2. Contraction and relaxation is the function of muscles cells.

3. Cell membrane consist of 60 - 80% lipids and 20 - 40% protein.

4. Cell wall consist of four main layers.

5. Cell wall is composed of fats and lipids.

6. Two ribosomal sub units attach each other by the presence of Mg +2 ion.

7. In mammals, the pancreas secretes granules containing enzymes that help in storage.

8. Glycogenosis type II disease is due to lack of glycogen.

9. Glyoxisomes are the site for break down of protein to succinate.

10. The vacuoles are bounded by a single membrane and formed during plants growth and development.
11. Chromoplast give characterstic green colour to leave.

12. Leucoplast are found in petals of flower and in ripened fruit.

13. The nuclear envelop composed of two membrance.

14. The mRNA is synthesized and stored in nucleolus.

15. Bacteria and cyanobacteria are eukaryotic.

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