Biology Class 11 Chapter 2 - Biological Molecules - Part 8

Biology Class 11
1. Fats and oils are lighter than _______________ and have a specific gravity of about 0.8.

Biology Class 11
2. _____________ are derivative of phosphatidic acid.

Biology Class 11
3. Terpenoids are group of compounds which are made up of simple repeating units ______________.

Biology Class 11
4. Most abundant organic compound to be found in the cells are ________________.

Biology Class 11
5. Proteins are polymers of ________________.

Biology Class 11
6. A dipeptide has _____________ amino acid.

Biology Class 11
7. The _____________ structure of protein comprises the number and sequence of amino acid in a protein molecule.

Biology Class 11
8. Each alpha chain of hemoglobin contains ____________ amino acid.

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