Biology Class 11 Chapter 2 - Biological Molecules - Part 6

Biology Class 11
1. __________ is a branch of Biology, which deals with the study of chemical components and chemical process in the living organism.

Biology Class 11
2. __________ is the basis element of organic compound.

Biology Class 11
3. Carbohydrates are also called __________ derived from greek word sakcharom meaning __________.

Biology Class 11
4. The sugar with aldehyde group is called______________.

Biology Class 11
5. Ribose form a ring structure when in solution known as ________________.

Biology Class 11
6. On _____________ oligosaccharides yield from two to ten monosaccharides.

Biology Class 11
7. The covalent bonds between two monosaccharides called ______________.

Biology Class 11
8. ______________ starches have unbranched chains of glucose and soluble in hot water.

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