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Chapter 1 - Biology and its Major Fields of Specilization - Part 10
Population of different species of plants and Animals in the same habitat constitutes a __________.
a) Community
b) Six
c) Biome
d) Parasitology
a) Inocculation and vaccination is one of the techniques to avoide microbal ailments.
b) Collection of tissues shape, a structure, that forms a functional unit.
c) The part of earth inhabited Biologically and A biologically unit.
d) It involves the test to verify the significance of nutrients essential for their plants.
A large regional community determined by climate is called as ____________.
a) Biome
b) Pasteurization
c) Chemotherapy
d) Biology
Molecular Biology deals with the structure of organization's the cells and their organelleles at _____________ level.
a) Molecular
b) Macro
c) Microbiology
d) Biome
A statement based upon observations and experience is called as _____________.
a) Gene therapy
b) Endangered Species
c) Hypothesis
d) Vaccination.
The plants having foreign D.N.A. in their cells are:
a) Induced plants.
b) Hydrophytic plants
c) Transgenic plants
d) Specific plants
Tissue culture
a) Dating or age of rocks can by calculated.
b) The hypothesis supported by the result of many tests.
c) One of the geological periods of Paleozoic era.
d) One of the methods to produce genetically identical organisms by Asexual method.
The study of Parasites, relating to their structure and mode of transmission is called as ____________.
a) Biology
b) Chemotherapy
c) Gene therapy
d) Parasitology
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