Biology Class 11 Chapter 13 - Gaseous Exchange - Part 3

Biology Class 11
1. When blood leaves the capillary bed most of the carbon dioxide is in the form of:

Biology Class 11
2. Normally at rest we inhale and exhale ________ times per minute.

Biology Class 11
3. Glycine is the simplest amino acid

Biology Class 11
4. It is observed that _______ is inhibited chemically, the plant can still grow.

Biology Class 11
5. Respiratory activity which occurs in plants during day time is called __________.

Biology Class 11
6. Exchange of gases during organismic respiration is carried out by _________.

Biology Class 11
7. When RUBP reacts oxygen, two carbon compound __________ is produced.

Biology Class 11
8. Heart ____________ the blood directly to the gills.

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