Biology Class 11 Chapter 7 - The Kingdom Protista

The protists possess a______ cell organization? Amoeba moves and obtains food by means of? The feeding stage of a shime mold is called? The feeding stage of a shime mold is called? The cell wall consists of two over lapping shell in? The cell wall consists of two over lapping shell in:The cell wall consists of two over lapping shell in? Unlike plants and animals ______ do not develop from a blastula? The kindom protista contains _______ major groups of eukaryotic organisms? Bacteria one flagella at one pole is called? Tuft of flagella at two poles of bacteria, is called? Flagellate bacteria move in response to chemicals, which is a type of behavior called? Hollow, nonhelical, filamentous appendages are? When divison occur in random planes, it will produce?