Chapter 12 - Wave Motion - 4

Physics Class 10
1. Match the column..........................wavelength

Physics Class 10
2. Match the column..........................spring constant

Physics Class 10
3. Match the waves

Physics Class 10
4. Match the column..........................waves need a medium for their production and propagation

Physics Class 10
5. Match the column..........................the waves produce on the surface of water

Physics Class 10
6. Match the column..........................sound waves in air

Physics Class 10
7. Match the column..........................up-down motion of a vetical rod in a water

Physics Class 10
8. Sound, heat and light reach our ears in the form of ______.

Physics Class 10
9. The motion of a corck about its mean positions is known as _______.

Physics Class 10
10. A ______ water wave can be observed.

Physics Class 10
11. Under in fluence of external force, the length of the spring _______.

Physics Class 10
12. The motion of a mass attached to a spring is known as ________.

Physics Class 10
13. In equilibrium, the pendulum is held ________ in a vertical position.

Physics Class 10
14. The acceleration of the bob is directly propotional to the _______ from equilibrium position.

Physics Class 10
15. The characteristics of the motion of the simple pendulum is like ________.

Physics Class 10
16. The time required to complete one vibration is called ______.

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