Chapter 12 - Wave Motion - 3

Physics Class 10
1. The energy of the bob of pendulum at its extreme position is

Physics Class 10
2. Waves produced by vibrating body in air are

Physics Class 10
3. The number of waves passing through a point in one second is called its

Physics Class 10
4. Match the column..........................time required for one vibration

Physics Class 10
5. Match the column..........................number of vibrations/sec

Physics Class 10
6. Match the column..........................distance between successive trough

Physics Class 10
7. Match the column..........................displacement from mean position

Physics Class 10
8. Match the column..........................when a crest and a trough joined

Physics Class 10
9. Match the column..........................tumors

Physics Class 10
10. Match the column..........................product of mass and acceleration

Physics Class 10
11. Match the column..........................simple harmonic motion

Physics Class 10
12. Match the column..........................stroboscope

Physics Class 10
13. Match the column..........................the wave speed and wavelenth of wave change in the second medium

Physics Class 10
14. Match the column..........................freqency

Physics Class 10
15. Match the column..........................time period

Physics Class 10
16. Match the column..........................velocity

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