Chapter 13 Sub-Program and File Handling - 8

Computer Class 10
1. To drop the sign of a number, _____________ function is used.

Computer Class 10
2. CINT (4.7) = _____________.

Computer Class 10
3. __________function is used to convert the real number to an integer by rounding the fractional part of that number.

Computer Class 10
4. INT (7.6) = _______________.

Computer Class 10
5. The RND function is referred to as a _________________ number generator.

Computer Class 10
6. The value X as an optional argument is used as ____________ value by the computer to produce random number.

Computer Class 10
7. If the value of X (argument) is positive the result of SGN(X) will be _______________.

Computer Class 10
8. FIX (-6.83) = ____________.

Computer Class 10
9. Function used to find out the square root of a number is _______________.

Computer Class 10
10. LOG function is used to find the logarithm of a number to the base _____________.
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