Chapter 13 Sub-Program and File Handling - 1

Computer Class 10
1. The subprogram may also be called:

Computer Class 10
2. A function can perform the following operations:

Computer Class 10
3. Another name used for system defined function is:

Computer Class 10
4. CINT(3.7) is equal to:

Computer Class 10
5. The output of a function INT(-5.7) is:

Computer Class 10
6. If the value of an argument is zero "0" in RND function, then the last number generated by
the function will be:

Computer Class 10
7. The output of SGN(-4) is:

Computer Class 10
8. If the output of LOG(X) = 2.302585 then the value of argument (X) will be:

Computer Class 10
9. Tan (X) can also be found as:

Computer Class 10
10. RIGHTS(X$,n) will

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