Chapter 11 Control Statements - 3

Computer Class 10
1. In the statement SOUND F,T, the variable 'T' is the time interval described in ticks where 1 sec= ____________ ticks.

Computer Class 10
2. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... Unconditional looping

Computer Class 10
3. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... PRINT using comma

Computer Class 10
4. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... Counter looping

Computer Class 10
5. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... Multiple Branching

Computer Class 10
6. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... Conditional looping

Computer Class 10
7. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... Rising Pitch

Computer Class 10
8. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... For J= 1 to 4

Computer Class 10
9. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... To find 9! best looping statement

Computer Class 10
10. Matching Items: Match the correct item.......... IF�THEN

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