Chapter 11 Control Statements - 1

Computer Class 10
1. Which statement is used to repeat a part of program several times

Computer Class 10
2. Repetition of same set of statements in a program is called_____________.

Computer Class 10
3. ___________ statement in a program causes unlimited looping.

Computer Class 10
4. IF-Then statement with GOTO forms a ____________ loop

Computer Class 10
5. The order in which program statements execute can be changed using a _____________ statement

Computer Class 10
6. ____________ statement is used to form counter loop.

Computer Class 10
7. The last line of the output using GOTO loop with READ�DATA statement is______________.

Computer Class 10
8. Which of the following statements is used for multiple branching..

Computer Class 10
9. During the execution of statement, For M=100 to 0 step-5
The value of M will be decreased by ___________ each time.

Computer Class 10
10. The line number where the error has been occurred is stored in _______________

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