The first compound microscope was made in which of the following? The first compound microscope was developed in which year? The first compound microscope was developed by whom? The magnification power of first compound microscope was? Which of the following is increase in the apparent size of an object in microscopy? Which of the following is the measure of clarity of an image? The elements of VII group of the periodic table are generally called________? Halogens occur as ________ both in the earth's crust and in sea-water? The colour of chlorine gas is ________? Chlorine oxidizes an aqueous solution of ferrous chloride to ________? Chlorine reacts with dilute alkali in cold state to form _________ and chlorides? Hypochlorous acid is an unstable conpound and decomposes gradually in the presence of sunlight to produce?
Hydrochloric acid reacts with metal carbonates to produce hydrogen gas? Bleaching powder reacts with hydrogen peroxide to give chlorine gas? Chemical name for bleaching powder is calcium chloride? Halides are very soluble in water at room temperature? Manganese dioxide acts as an oxidizing agent in the laboratory preparation of chlorine? Chlorine reacts with carbondioxide in the presence of sunlight to produce phosgene gas? Chlorine is used to remove scales and rust from metal surfaces? Slaked lime absorb (35-37%) of chlorine to form bleaching powder? Excess chlorine reacts with hot and concentrated solution of alkali to give ________ and chlorides? Iodized table salt is obtained by mixing _______% potassium iodide by weight in common salt?
Bleaching powder reacts with concentrated solution of ammonia to give? Bleaching powder reacts with hydrogen peroxide to give? When Chlorine reacts with dilute alkali in cold state, which equation represents the reaction correctly? Bleaching powder decomposes in water to give calcium chloride and calcium oxychloride? The formula of hypochlorous acid is (HClO)? Hypochlorous acid decomposes readily to atomic oxygen? Chlorine is less reactive than bromine and iodine? The colour of silver Bromide is bright yellow? Chlorine reacts with dichloromethane to produce Which element can not be displaced from its salts by the action of chlorine? Which condition is essential to complete the reaction of chlorine with hydrocarbons? Chlorine reacts with hot and concentrated solution of alkalies to give? Chlorine reacts with carbon monoxide in the presence of sunlight to produce? Sea Water contains more than 5% by weight of dissolved chlorides?