Organic-Chemistry - 1

Chemistry Class 10
1. Vital force theory was proposed by


Chemistry Class 10
2. In 1828 a scientist prepared urea from in organic substances


Chemistry Class 10
3. The formula of formic acid is


Chemistry Class 10
4. Organic compounds made up of only carbon and hydrogen are called


Chemistry Class 10
5. Organic compound have


Chemistry Class 10
6. In all organic compounds the essential element is


Chemistry Class 10
7. Electrical conductivity of organic compounds are


Chemistry Class 10
8. An atom or group of atom that determines the characteristic properties of an organic compound is called


Chemistry Class 10
9. The general formula of alkene is


Chemistry Class 10
10. -OH is the functional group of the family called

Chemistry Class 10
11. The structure of carbonylic group is


Chemistry Class 10
12. In saturated hydrocarbon all carbon, carbon bonds are


Chemistry Class 10
13. Saturated hydro carbons are also called


Chemistry Class 10
14. Which gas is used as a general anaesthesia


Chemistry Class 10
15. A molecule has a tetrahedral geometry with an angle of 109.50 between each of H-C-H bond


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