Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 16 - Chemical Industries - 2

Chemistry Class 10
1.    Which one of the following is the ore of lead?

Chemistry Class 10
2.    hgs is the formula of?

Chemistry Class 10
3.    The formula of zinc blende is?

Chemistry Class 10
4.    Which one of the following is the ore of chromium?

Chemistry Class 10
5. SN O2 is the formula of?

Chemistry Class 10
6.    Silica is the ore of?

Chemistry Class 10
7. CUFES2 is the formula of?

Chemistry Class 10
8.    The naturally occuringmetalic compounds are known as?

Chemistry Class 10
9.    The debris attached with the mineral is known as?

Chemistry Class 10
10.    The ore of tin is?

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