Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 11 - Organic Chemistry - 2

Chemistry Class 10
1.    Compounds with same molecular formula but different structures are known as?

Chemistry Class 10
2.    Isomerism is a phenomenon in which two compounds have?

Chemistry Class 10
3.    The molecular formula of iso- Pentane is?

Chemistry Class 10
4.    With an increase in the number of carbon atoms in an organic Compound, the number of possible isomers?

5.    How many isomers hexane have?

Chemistry Class 10
6.    The multiple bonds of carbon atoms ___ the number of organic compounds?

7.    How many compounds are that of carbon atoms of the total organic compounds?

Chemistry Class 10
8.    The most abundant source of organic compounds is the?

Chemistry Class 10
9.    Organic compounds are generally ___ in nature?

Chemistry Class 10
10.    The bonds in organic compounds are?

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