Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 10 - Acids, Bases and Salts - 7

Chemistry Class 10
1. HNO3 is the formula of?

Chemistry Class 10
2.    Which one of the following is phosphoric acid?

Chemistry Class 10
3.    An acid turns the blue litmus paper?

Chemistry Class 10
4. K2SO4 is a?

Chemistry Class 10
5.    An acid is a?

Chemistry Class 10
6.    Substances that react with both acids and bases are known as?

Chemistry Class 10
7.    Who proposed the acid base theories?

Chemistry Class 10
8.    Which one of the following is an acid?

Chemistry Class 10
9.    The color of bromothymol blue in acidic solution is?

Chemistry Class 10
10.    Arrhenius proposed his acid base theory in?

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