Test and Prepare yourself Before the Board Exam MCQs are order of the day and you are going to face these in many exams. MCQs are made in such a way that no important aspect is missed out. Any student taking a test and getting more than 90% marks here, will surely get similar marks in board exam. Take your exam your self and find out how prepared you are for your exam. If you fail here you will fail in your exam as well.
The movement of water through a differentially permeable membrane is a special kind of diffusion called __________. The plant cells with reduced turgor due to the loss of water is said to be ___________. Most of the Gymnosperm lack ______________ instead they have trachieds. The water moves up the xylem vessels as an unbroken column is called __________. The apparatus used for measuring the rate of transpiration _____________. In open circulatory system, the open spaces are called ___________. In many invertebrates the circulatory fluid is called: In mass flow hypothesis the solution move freely through sieve tubes: Light is an important factor in controlling the rate of:
Match appropriate statement given below:... Cytoplasmic movement The person with blood group AB+ are considered to be universal acceptor. Deficincy of some important nutrients like vitamin B-12 and folic acid also result in Anaemia. High level of cholestrol in the blood causes: The colourless fluid accumulated in the intercellular spaces is called: The exchange of material and gases take place through: Plasma consists soluble protein (Albumins, globulins & fibrinogen): Deoxygenated blood from the head is collected by: