Chapter 18 - Evolution - Test 1

Biology Class 10
1. The "decent with modification" is known as evolution.

1) False   2) True
2. Intelligence is an example of discontinuous variation.

1) True   2) False
3. Philosophie Zoologiqe is written by Darwin.

1) False   2) True
4. All organisms tend to reproduce in geometrical progression.

1) False   2) True
5. Darwinism may be defined as the theory of organic evolution by the natural selection.

1) False   2) True
6. The vertebrate of human coccyx are though to represent vestigial structure of tail.

1) False   2) True
7. Non-functional bones in snakes and whales are analogous with hipbones and hind limbs of vertebrates.

1) True   2) False
8. Analogous organs have similar function but have different anatomical origin.

1) False   2) True
9. Hereditary variation produced by mutation provide raw material for evolution.

1) False   2) True
10. Artificial selection does not provide evidence for evolution.

1) False   2) True
11. Vestigial organs are functional in herbivores.

1) False   2) True
12. Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by artificial selection.

1) False   2) True
13. Crossing over and independent assortment during mutation are the cause of variation.

1) False   2) True
14. According to Lamarck organisms acquire new characteristics by use and disuse of organ.

1) True   2) False
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