Biology 10 Chapter 15
Inheritance - 6

Biology Class 10
1.    Which of the following special character control the expressions of a trait in an organison?

Biology Class 10
2.    Which plant Mendel selected to perform his experiments?

Biology Class 10
3.    An organism for genetic experiment should have following features?

Biology Class 10
4.    The term “true breeding” represent the?

Biology Class 10
5.    A cross in which only one trait is studied is called as?

Biology Class 10
6.    How many pea plants are user by mandel for his experiments?

Biology Class 10
7.    In organisms the genes are present as?

Biology Class 10
8.    Different traits are inherited differently from each other. This is called?

Biology Class 10
9.    In which condition two different alleles of a gene pair express themselves completely?

Biology Class 10
10.    In which type of dominance heterozygous organism shows a phenotype which is different from both homozygous parents?

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