Biology 10 Chapter 15
Inheritance - 4

Biology Class 10
1.    Ribosomes reads the sequence of nucleotides and according to that join?

Biology Class 10
2.    Steps of joining of amino acids by ribosomes is called?

Biology Class 10
3.    Part of DNA that contains the instructions for the synthesis of a particular protein is known as?

Biology Class 10
4.    DNA of each chromosome contains thousands of?

Biology Class 10
5.    Genes occur in?

Biology Class 10
6.    Location of a gene on chromosome is known as?

Biology Class 10
7.    Each individual carry?

Biology Class 10
8.    Alternate forms of a gene are?

Biology Class 10
9.    When chromosomes separate during meiosis then both alleles?

Biology Class 10
10.    Specific combination of genes in on individual is called as?

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