Biology 10 Chapter 15 - Inheritance - 20

Biology Class 10
1.    Which of the following is the variety of wild mustard?

Biology Class 10
2.    Through which of the following process, numerous varieties of plants have been produced?

Biology Class 10
3.    Which of the following is the variety of wild mustard?

Biology Class 10
4.    Which of the following is the variety of wild mustard?

Biology Class 10
5.    Which of the following is the variety of wild mustard?

Biology Class 10
6.    Which of the following is the variety of wild mustard?

Biology Class 10
7.    Kohlrabi is the variety of………………?

Biology Class 10
8.    Kale is the variety of………………?

Biology Class 10
9.    Through which of the following process, numerous cultivators of plants have been produced?

Biology Class 10
10.    Cabbage is the variety of………………?

Biology Class 10
11.    Broccoli is the variety of………………?

Biology Class 10
12.    Cauliflower is the variety of………………?

Biology Class 10
13.    How many plant varieties have been produced through artificial selection in wild mustard?

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