Biology 10 Chapter 14 - Reproduction - 17

Biology Class 10
1.    Which of the following is present in embryo?

Biology Class 10
2.    What develops into a new root in a seed?

Biology Class 10
3.    What develops into a new shoot in a seed?

Biology Class 10
4.    What is the embryonic stem above the point of attachment of cotyledon(s) called?

Biology Class 10
5.    What is the embryonic stem below the point of attachment of cotyledon(s) called?

Biology Class 10
6.    In angiosperms, from where the stored food is derived?

Biology Class 10
7.    In which, endosperm tissue is rich?

Biology Class 10
8.    What is the process called by which a seed embryo develops into a seedling?

Biology Class 10
9.    What is the first structure that emerges from the radicle present in seed?

Biology Class 10
10.    On the basis of the elongation of hypocotyl and epicotyl, how many types of seed germination are there?

Biology Class 10
11.    In epigeal germination, which structure elongates?

Biology Class 10
12.    What is CORRECT about epigeal germination?

Biology Class 10
13.    Which of the following is the example of epigeal germination?

Biology Class 10
14.    Which of the following is the example of epigeal germination?

Biology Class 10
15.    Which of the following is the example of epigeal germination?

Biology Class 10
16.    In hypogeal germination, which structure elongates?

Biology Class 10
17.    What is CORRECT about hypogeal germination?

Biology Class 10
18.    Which of the following is the example of hypogeal germination?

Biology Class 10
19.    Which of the following is the example of hypogeal germination?

Biology Class 10
20.    Which of the following is the example of hypogeal germination?

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