Biology 10 Chapter 13 - Support and Movement - 20

Biology Class 10
1.    When a muscle is stimulated by a........................, it contracts to become shorter and thicker?

Biology Class 10
2.    When a muscle is stimulated by a nerve impulse, it contracts to become.................?

Biology Class 10
3.    Usually, in what pairs skeletal muscles are present?

Biology Class 10
4.    How many muscles are present in an antagonistic pair?

Biology Class 10
5.    In an antagonistic pair, what do both muscles do?

Biology Class 10
6.    When one muscle contracts, what does the other muscle do?

Biology Class 10
7.    What is the phenomena called in which, when one muscle contracts the other relaxes?

Biology Class 10
8.    What is the muscle called which contracts and bends the joint?

Biology Class 10
9.    What is the movement called in which a muscle contracts and bends the joint?

Biology Class 10
10.    What is the muscle called which contracts and straightens the joint?

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